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Innovate Africa With Dotun Adeoye Every Sunday

Infinite, sustainable growth ideas and examples for strategic thinking executives every Sunday

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5 Reasons Why Disruptive Innovation Must Be Core to Your Business Growth Strategy

Disruptive innovation has become a buzzword, but what does it mean? Disruptive innovation is any new technology or product that enters an existing market and drastically changes it. 

This shift often happens when a small company develops an innovative solution and uses it to target a large, established company. Disruptive innovations are often met with scepticism at first—and sometimes even outright hostility—but they’ve been the driving force behind some of the most successful companies in history. 

Just take Amazon; when the e-commerce giant started as an online bookstore in 1994, most people thought its business model was doomed because no one would want to buy books online instead of going to their local bookstore. But years later, Amazon changed its strategy to focus on creating a platform for third-party sellers on its site instead of just selling books directly off its website, and now it dominates online retail sales worldwide.

Disruptive innovation isn’t an option anymore.

Disruptive innovation isn’t an option anymore. It’s the only way to stay relevant, profitable, and ahead of the curve.

If you’re not disrupting your industry, someone else will do it for you — and they probably won’t be doing it in a way that benefits your bottom line!

Businesses are using disruptive innovation to reset the market.

Businesses are using disruptive innovation to reset the market. The most common example is Apple’s iPhone, which changed how consumers think about phones and how they should be designed.

If you want to change how people use a product or service, you can use disruptive innovation to reset the market. By doing this, your company will be able to attract new customers and increase your share of their wallets.

Disruptive innovation is driving digital transformation.

Disruptive innovation drives digital transformation, a change process that affects how we work. Digital transformation is not just about technology; it’s also about people and processes. It’s about your business model and how you do business with customers, partners and employees.

Digital transformation means shifting from reactive to proactive in your approach to business challenges. For example, if you’re experiencing high churn rates or low customer satisfaction scores—or simply not seeing an uptick in revenue—these could be signs that something needs to change to stay competitive in today’s marketplace.

Disruptive innovation ensures you stay ahead of the curve, not just catch up.

At the core of digital transformation, disruptive innovation must be a crucial part of your business growth strategy. Disruptive innovation is not just about technology. It’s not just about business. It’s about leveraging technology to serve your customers better and keep them loyal to you in the long term.

Disruptive innovation isn’t something to fear or ignore; it should be embraced and included as part of your company culture from day one. A strong focus on disruptive innovation will ensure that you stay ahead of the curve, not just catch up—and in today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead is critical for survival!

Disruptive innovation means relentless, continual innovation.

Disruptive innovations are complex, requiring years of research and development. They can’t be designed overnight; they take time. For example, the iPhone did not evolve overnight; it took years of work before Apple launched that product.

Innovations must be continuous and ongoing if you want to lead in your market niche or industry. That’s why traditional businesses need to develop a strategy for creating innovation success. By being open-minded and receptive to change, they’re more likely to create disruptive solutions that will help them stay relevant in their markets.

Staying relevant in your market means embracing disruptive innovation.

  • Disruptive innovation is a key to business growth.
  • Disruptive innovation is not just about technology.
  • Disruptive innovation is not just about startups.
  • Disruptive innovation is not just about new products or services.
  • Disruptive innovation is not just about new markets.



In the end, there is no question that disruptive innovation will continue to be a driving force behind business growth and market leadership. This trend has been in motion for decades, and there’s no sign of slowing down anytime soon. The question is whether or not your company will embrace this change or fall behind—and stay there. To remain relevant in today’s world, disruptive innovation must be core to how you do business now more than ever before.

Who am I?

I am Dotun Adeoye, a Business Growth Strategist & Author of the 5 Pillars of Business Growth.

I’ve built up my experience via serial entrepreneurship, consulting leadership roles in business growth, business development and product innovation in large companies worldwide in the last 29 years.

Today, I consult with large businesses on how to sustainably grow their businesses, sustain infinite growth, ensure business continuity and achieve a legacy.

Hire Dotun Adeoye to Speak Virtually or In – Person at your company’s event to cover this or other topics. You can also get in touch via +44 203 097 1718


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Innovate Africa

With Dotun Adeoye

Every Sunday


 Teaching business leaders how to grow their businesses & leave their legacy.