Slack is a popular messaging platform used by professional teams and communities. However, it has a lot of competition, including the new feature in WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages and photos to each other. The service has more than 1 billion active users worldwide, making it one of the most popular applications for mobile devices.
The new feature in WhatsApp allows users to create groups with a maximum of 256 members. Anyone can join these groups with the link sent out from within them- meaning there’s no need for signup! While this may sound like something meant only for support businesses looking for ways to communicate better with customers (ahem), it could also work well for online communities. For example, an online community which uses Slack as their primary method of communication would now be able to send out links instead so those who don’t want an account can still participate in discussion threads [and thus see what they’re missing out on].
Slack is a popular messaging platform used by professional teams and communities.
Slack is a popular messaging platform used by professional teams and communities. Of course, it has plenty of competition, but it’s still one of the web’s most widely used tools for work communication.
With its new Community feature, WhatsApp has made it easier to create groups with as many as 256 members. Anyone can then join these groups with the link.
It has a lot of competition.
With its new community feature, WhatsApp is competing with other messaging platforms. In this competitive market, users benefit from the innovations that result. This competition has been good for innovation in the space—for example, when Facebook bought WhatsApp in 2014 for $22 billion and integrated its Messenger app into Facebook’s social network, it significantly improved both platforms.
It’s important to note that there are many other messaging apps available that are free or have low fees associated with them: WhatsApp itself charges $1 per year after your first year of service; Viber offers complimentary text messages as well as voice calls and video calls; Line allows you to call friends on its platform at no charge; WeChat has over 1 billion users worldwide because it provides text chat features as well as voice calls over Wi-Fi connections (which can be costly).
The new feature in WhatsApp allows users to create groups with a maximum of 256 members.
The new feature in WhatsApp allows users to create groups with a maximum of 256 members. It’s being billed as one meant to support businesses but could work well for online communities.
In the past, WhatsApp had a limit of 5 participants per group chat that it was possible to have on the app. However, this number has now increased to 256 people allowed in one group chat.
This is excellent news for anyone who wants to start an online community! A large part of the success or failure lies in how much effort you put into building up your community and keeping them engaged by providing value through content that keeps them returning.
Anyone can then join these groups with the link.
The group link can be shared with anyone who wants to join the group. It can be posted on social media or through a group email account. The link may also be shared with a specific person or group of people via WhatsApp.
To join these groups, you must have WhatsApp installed on your phone and create an account if you don’t already have one. Once you’ve done that, open up the app and tap on the three horizontal lines icon in the top right corner of your screen (this will take you into your chats). Then tap “New chat” at the bottom of this menu and select “Group conversation” from here.
While the feature is being billed as one meant for support businesses, it could work well for online communities.
The Community Feature is being billed for support, but it could also be helpful in online communities. For example, this would allow users to communicate with each other without having to sign up for a service. If this were available, it could help users who aren’t members of the community but are interested in learning more about what you have to offer and could even encourage them to become members.
The feature is not yet available through the beta program (where WhatsApp tests out new features), so we don’t know exactly how it will look when it hits production. But if you want your event or community listed on Facebook Messenger’s directory of businesses, send us a message!
For example, an online community which uses Slack to communicate will now be able to send out links to the Public Group on WhatsApp instead.
For example, an online community which uses Slack to communicate will now be able to send out links to the Public Group on WhatsApp instead.
This means it’s easy for anyone who wants to join in with a conversation or debate. They don’t need an account – they need to click on the link, and they’ll be able to see everything going on in that group without having their account set up. This can be useful when you want people who aren’t part of your team (or don’t have an email address) but still want them involved in discussions within that Slack channel.
That way, they can communicate with people who don’t want to sign up for Slack or any other service.
There’s also the fact that Slack is a paid service, while WhatsApp is free. That way, they can communicate with people who don’t want to sign up for Slack or any other service.
There are additional benefits of the new Community Feature on WhatsApp:
– You can create a group and invite people from your contacts list. – Only the people you invite can see what happens in the group, and they can also share their thoughts with you.
– You can create a group and invite people from your contacts list or other communities. – Only the people you invite can see what happens in the group, and they can also share their thoughts with you.
The new feature in WhatsApp might challenge Slack’s popularity among communities and organisations that prefer open chatrooms.
Slack is a popular messaging platform used by teams and communities, including Fortune 500 companies and the United Nations. It has a lot of competition, including Microsoft Teams (which integrates with Office 365) and Workplace by Facebook.
But there are some significant differences between Slack and WhatsApp’s new Community feature:
- The maximum number of WhatsApp community members is 256 – compared to 5k for Slack teams.
- You don’t need an invitation code to join a WhatsApp Community – anyone can join using their mobile number or email address.
It’s easy to see why WhatsApp is looking to build its business. The Facebook-owned messaging app has over 1.5 billion users, but it doesn’t have a direct way for companies and organisations to reach them – until now. The Community feature will be available on Android and iOS devices, with an update coming soon after the beta period ends.
So what does this mean for Slack? Will businesses start migrating away from the popular messaging platform and using WhatsApp instead? Probably not. But it’s still a worrying sign for the company that has become synonymous with workplace communication. It also shows that competitors like Microsoft and Facebook are taking the threat of Slack seriously enough to develop their solutions.
Slack is still the most popular messaging platform for teams, and it’s unlikely that will change anytime soon. But Facebook and Microsoft will not let that stand in their way if they think they can do better – and now WhatsApp has entered the fray too. So if you’re wondering why all these companies care so much about workplace communication tools, here’s a quick breakdown of why this market is worth billions of dollars:
There are over 7.5 million businesses in the US alone, and that number is growing every year ( 76% of large companies say they use a messaging app as their primary form of internal communication (LinkedIn)
Slack is one of the most popular messaging apps for businesses and organisations. Still, it may soon face competition from WhatsApp. The new feature in WhatsApp allows users to create groups with a maximum of 256 members. Anyone can then join these groups with the link, which means communities that prefer open chatrooms could find themselves switching to WhatsApp over other options like Slack or Skype.
Who am I?
I am Dotun Adeoye, a Business Growth Strategist & Author of the 5 Pillars of Business Growth.
I’ve built up my experience via serial entrepreneurship, consulting leadership roles in business growth, business development and product innovation in large companies worldwide in the last 30 years.
Today, I consult with large businesses on how to sustainably grow their businesses, sustain infinite growth, ensure business continuity and achieve a legacy.
Hire Dotun Adeoye to Speak Virtually or In – Person at your company’s event to cover this or other topics. You can also get in touch via +44 203 097 1718 or dotun at