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Infinite, sustainable growth ideas and examples for strategic thinking executives every Sunday


Innovate Africa With Dotun Adeoye Every Sunday

Infinite, sustainable growth ideas and examples for strategic thinking executives every Sunday

πŸŽπŸ’¨ “You Can’t Outrun a Horse, πŸ§ πŸ’‘ Outsmart AI, and Why You Need to πŸš€ Get on Board”

In the grand scheme of things, humans are a peculiar species. We’ve built pyramids πŸ—οΈ, landed on the moon πŸŒ•, and invented the internet πŸ’». Yet, despite our many accomplishments, there are some things we simply cannot do. For instance, you can’t outrun a horse 🐎. You also can’t outsmart artificial intelligence πŸ€–. And if you’re not already on board with AI, you’re missing out. Let’s dive into these three seemingly unrelated topics and see their commonalities.

First, let’s talk about the horse 🐎. A horse is a majestic creature, a symbol of strength πŸ’ͺ and freedom πŸ•ŠοΈ. It’s also a creature that can run up to 55 mph πŸ‡. The fastest human on record, Usain Bolt ⚑, reached a peak speed of 27.8 mph. So, unless you’ve got a secret pair of rocket boots πŸš€πŸ‘’, you won’t outrun a horse. It’s not a matter of training harder πŸ’¦ or eating more protein πŸ₯©. It’s a simple fact of biology. Horses are built for speed, humans for endurance πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ.

Now, let’s move on to artificial intelligence πŸ§ πŸ’‘. If you think you can outsmart AI, think again. AI is designed to learn and adapt. It’s like a supercharged brain that doesn’t need sleep 😴, food πŸ”, or Netflix breaks πŸ“Ί. It can process information at a speed that would make Usain Bolt look like a snail 🐌. And it’s not just about speed. AI can analyse vast amounts of data πŸ“Š, identify patterns, and make predictions with a level of accuracy beyond human capabilities.

Sure, you might be able to beat your phone at a game of chess β™ŸοΈ, but that’s because it’s not using its full capabilities. If it were, it would be like trying to outrun a horse. You might have a head start, but eventually, the horse (or, in this case, the AI) will overtake you.

So, what can you do if you can’t outrun a horse and outsmart AI? You can get on board πŸš€. AI is not a threat but a tool πŸ”§. It’s a tool that can help us solve complex problems, make better decisions, and improve our lives in countless ways.

If you’re still sceptical, consider this: AI is already a part of our daily lives. It’s in our phones πŸ“±, our cars πŸš—, our homes 🏠. It’s helping doctors diagnose diseases 🩺, meteorologists predict weather 🌦️, and businesses optimise operations πŸ“ˆ. It’s not a question of if AI will become a part of our lives but how much of a part it will play.

Who Am I

I am Dotun Adeoye, a Tech-Enabled Business Growth Strategist, Bestselling Author and Professional Speaker.

I’ve built up my experience via serial entrepreneurship, consulting leadership roles in business growth, business development and product innovation in large companies worldwide in the last 30 years.

Today, I consult with businesses on how to sustainably grow their businesses, sustain infinite growth, and ensure business continuity irrespective of the business climate.

Hire Dotun Adeoye to Speak Virtually or In – Person at your company’s event to cover this or other topics. You can also get in touch via +44 203 097 1718 or dotun at dotunadeoye.com

Bottom Line

In conclusion, you can’t outrun a horse 🐎, and you can’t outsmart AI πŸ§ πŸ’‘. But you can embrace AI, learn from it, and use it to your advantage. So, instead of trying to outrun the horse, why not learn to ride it? πŸ‡ And instead of trying to outsmart AI, why not learn to work with it? After all, if you can’t beat them, join them. πŸ‘₯


Innovate Africa

With Dotun Adeoye

Every Sunday


Β Teaching business leaders how to grow their businesses & leave their legacy.